Smartphone Notification Get ON Windows Machine How

Smartphone Notification Get ON Windows Machine How

Smartphone users install too much applications via Play Store or Third-Party Link and enjoy them. There are millions of applications which ensure notification conveying system to run them in correct manner. Read on the article Smartphone Notification Get ON Windows Machine How to get more. Some of the applications are Facebook, Instagram, News Apps, Messenger, IRCTC news, Educational Apps etc. Have you heard a critic when android notifications are seen on Microsoft products such as Windows PC? Yes, it is true we have a facility to see all notification coming on Smartphones on your home PC. 

In this article we talk about Smartphone notification get on Windows machine how. We also show things how to manage and make Windows machine ready for showing notification instead on Android. Get ready for the article on Smartphone Notification Get ON Windows Machine How? Users need to ensure settings on both side Smartphones and Windows Machine. The Windows PC with 14342 build release introduce this feature on Smartphone notification on Windows machine.

Procedure on Smartphone Notification Get ON Windows Machine How?

1.    Bring out your Android Phone and Install Cortana from the Google Play Store.

2.      On Windows Side, Login to using correct credential such as Username (Gmail) and Password.
3.      On Android side, login with the same Microsoft Account as Windows PC. Cortana is a release by Microsoft Corporation.

4.      On Android Cortana side, click on Menu Icon (Three consecutive horizontal lines).

5.      There are few options which we see are Notebook, Home, Reminders, Settings, Help and Feedback.

6.     Click on Settings button. Then few options will be seen. From these options click on Sync notifications (see your phone’s notifications on your PC).
7.      Now tap on Sync notifications.  In this section you must ensure that these notifications are checked.

8.     The notification is Missed call notifications, Incoming message notifications, low battery notifications. At last click on Notification center permission.

9.      Now Switch on to Cortana PC. Get back to Notification access area for enable the Cortana notification. Asking for permission will show message like Cortana will be able to read all the notifications you receive, which may include personal information such as contact names and messages sent to you. It will also be able to dismiss these notifications or select actions related to them.

10.  Now click on OK. ON Cortana Android section. Turn on the switches for apps whose notifications you want to send to your PC.
11.  From lots of application installed in your android click on apps whose notification you wish to get on Windows Machine. In pictorial view – Maps or Hangouts.

12.  Now get back to PC and click on Cortana section saying “Ask me anything”.

13.  Click on Settings Icon on your PC. Then Turn on Send notification between devices. The clause you may read would be “If you’ve allowed it on your phone, Cortana can tell you on this device when your battery is low and when you miss a phone call, text, or app notification”.

14.  The clause written below the ON/ Off switches would be “Get Cortana mobile app for my phone”.

15.  Now click on Next after reading the clause “Cortana Needs to collect and use information like your contacts, calendar details, email, and communication history from messages and apps.

16.  Then message Windows will open saying “Cortana will collect and use your location and location history”. Again click on Next.
17.  Your PC Is now ready to receive push notification from Instagram application.

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