See Movie on Android Mobile

 See Movie on Android Mobile

Watching movies on your Android mobile device can be a great way to enjoy your favorite films anytime and anywhere. Whether you want to catch up on the latest releases, revisit the classics, or binge-watch a series, there are plenty of options for streaming and downloading movies on your smartphone. In this blog post, we will show you how to see movie on Android mobile using some of the best apps and services available.

Open Source Mobile Operating System

In this blog post, I will talk about open-source mobile operating systems and why they are beneficial for users. A mobile operating system is an operating system that runs on mobile devices such as smartphones, tablets, and smartwatches. It is responsible for managing the hardware and software resources of the device and providing common services for computer programs.

How to make a simple School Report Card in Microsoft Excel

In today's post, we are going to explore on how do we make a simple Excel Report Card for a given student with an existing marks dataset. We will also see how to apply our knowledge of formulas to calculate SUM, AVERAGE and also make a simple Bar Chart out of the data with the help of Excel recommendations. So let's get started.

A Basic Dataset Created in Excel for Students Marks and Grades

Getting Started with Microsoft Excel and Basic Commands


Microsoft Excel is a spreadsheet program. In Computer Science, a spreadsheet program is used for calculations involved in budgets, dashboards, forecasting, etc. A spreadsheet program creates a ledger like worksheet where different formulas and expressions are used to interpret data in meaningful ways. This makes a spreadsheet program like that of Microsoft Excel, uniquely important for both organizational and personal purposes.

How to Resolve Wmpshare Exe Application Error in Windows 10

How to Resolve Wmpshare Exe Application Error in Windows 10

How to Resolve Wmpshare Exe Application Error in Windows 10
There are many executable files running in our PC. A single application codes is broken into processes which further executed sequentially. They are either dependent or independent. Dependent means a process requires another apps process for its completion. Independent means a process do not require another apps process for its completion. In this guide, we get to know about an executable file which is a supportable file for Window Media Player. Sometimes, this WmpShare.exe file do not respond and hence system shows error. Read the article on how to Resolve Wmpshare Exe Application Error in Windows 10. 

How to Resolve Start Menu Not Showing in Windows OS

How to Resolve Start Menu Not Showing in Windows 10

How to Resolve Start Menu Not Showing in Windows OS
Windows Operating System contains variety of features which makes it popular among computer users. Windows Operating System is a user friendly OS with lots of importance for their users. The developers has added lots of shortcuts to access the tools. A Single tool can be accessed using two or more approaches in Windows OS. There are lots of navigation bars on desktop. You have seen Start Menu, Taskbar, Desktop Icons, Search bar etc. These navigation tools are very important which allow you access to the entire features available in Windows OS. Can you imagine a situation when user can't access these navigation tool? Read the article on how to resolve Start menu not showing in Windows.

How to Resolve Another Apps is Controlling Sound 0xc00d4e85 Error in Windows 10

How to Resolve Another Apps is Controlling Sound 0xc00d4e85 Error in Windows 10

How to Resolve Another Apps is Controlling Sound 0xc00d4e85 Error in Windows 10
There are many Applications running in our PC. There are other supporting Applications which helps in successful execution of other Applications. Whenever a new process is loaded in RAM for execution it sequentially require other processes for completion of work. Sometimes, a host application require other application for completion of work. This may often show error like host application is controlling another application. Read the article on how to resolve another apps is controlling sound 0xc00d4e85 error in Windows 10.

How to see OTT in Android mobile